One Word Whip Around


This activity is a quick and easy way of starting out or closing a session. The facilitator asks a question or provides a prompt and participants think before going around and responding with a one-word answer. Participants have an opportunity to access their own thinking and feelings at the start or end of a session that adds to the collective experience.

When and Why

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One Word Whip Around brings all voices into the room and enables the facilitator and participants to quickly get a sense of the group in a short amount of time. It helps to identify possible points of dissonance as well as agreement while continuing to build a sense of belonging among group members. Cultural and linguistic differences will begin to emerge in groups where trust is being built. 

How to Facilitate

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  1. Reflect on the current context, the demographics of participants, and the purpose of this engagement. 
  2. Prepare a statement or question prompt that is aligned to the content of the engagement. For example, “Think of one word about how you are feeling now that you have participated in this engagement” or “Decide on one word that sums up your learning for today.”
  3. Invite participants to form a circle (if possible and time permitting). 
  4. State the prompt, explain that everyone should prepare a one-word response, and allow a minute of private thought time.
  5. Ask for a volunteer to start by sharing their response. The volunteer then chooses a direction to go (left or right), and participants continue to respond in turn around the circle. As always, it’s okay to pass by saying, “Pass.”
  6. Note: Rather than “correcting” anyone who responds at greater length, allow the modeling of the remaining group members to get the design back on track.
  7. Debrief the activity by asking participants if they noticed any themes or similar responses and ask what that might tell us about the engagement or participants. If it’s respectful and possible to record the words each person says, create a Word Cloud and share it with the group at a future date.


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  • If there is not enough time or space to form a circle, participants can do a whip around from their seats. 
  • In a virtual environment, gallery mode or chat are both appropriate tools.

How does One Word Whip Around support SEL?

Participants have an opportunity to understand their own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts. Facilitators consider their own and participants’ identities in the design of the practice.

Participants are encouraged to navigate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations to achieve goals and aspirations. Facilitators create an activity where participants feel empowered to make choices and take actions for the common good.
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