Save the Last Word


After reading a text or viewing a video participants follow a carefully structured protocol to share and discuss their responses to the text or video clip in a small group. The structure ensures that everyone has an opportunity to interact with new information and share their thinking without entering into a dialogue.

When and Why

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By creating a clear structure for discussion, this strategy encourages everyone to be both an active speaker and an active listener. The structure supports equity of voice by ensuring that frequent speakers give space for others to share and clarify and expand their thinking around a challenging topic. 

How to Facilitate

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  1. Reflect on the current context, the demographics of participants, and the purpose of this engagement. 
  2. Identify a reading or video excerpt that will serve as the catalyst for this activity.
  3. Have participants read/view the selected text/video and highlight 3 sentences or make note of three ideas that particularly stand out for them.
  4. Ask participants to write each sentence/idea on the front of an index card. On the back of the card, ask them to write a few sentences explaining why they chose that quote (what it meant to them, reminded them of, how it connects to their own experience, etc.).
  5. Divide the participants into groups of three, identifying one person as A, one person as B, and one person as C. 
  6. Invite the A participants to read one of their chosen quotations or ideas to their group. Then persons B and C discuss the offering while person A listens. (For example, What do they think it means? Why do they think these words/ideas might be important? To whom?) 
  7. After several minutes, ask Participant A to read the back of their card (or to explain why they picked the quotation or idea), thus having “the last word.” 
  8. This process repeats with B sharing and others reflecting before B gets “the last word,” then is repeated again with C sharing.
  9. Debrief by asking one or both of these questions: 
    • What was a benefit of listening to others respond to your passage before you spoke?
    • To what degree was it challenging to hold back your own thoughts while others spoke?


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  • In a virtual environment, divide participants into breakout rooms of 3. Bring the whole group back to the main room for the debrief discussion.


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Adapted from the National School Reform Faculty Save the Last Word for Me

How does Save the Last Word support SEL?

Participants are encouraged to navigate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations to achieve goals and aspirations. Facilitators create an activity where participants feel empowered to make choices and take actions for the common good.

Social Awareness/Belonging:
Participants are encouraged to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts. Facilitators create an experience of acceptance, respect, and inclusion within a group or community.
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